A Jolly Gutsy Gathering -Edition One October 2019
I am so incredibly grateful for this day and to all who came with open hearts and open minds to spend the day gathered around the camp fire talking all things gut health and how important the connection with food, community and nature are for our wellbeing. It was a beautiful day for so many reasons, one I will never forget. The sun stayed with us all day and everyone left with a warm glow in their hearts.
We gathered in the calm woodland space and after some excitable introductions I welcomed my gatherers with a delicious breakfast of Jolly Allotment goodness for wellness. Veggie juice and homemade buckwheat granola with organic berry and avocado smoothy. We discussed the importance of a good breakfast to start the day as you mean to go on and the role of sugar in our diet, the day had begun...
We snuggled up under blankets around the fire as I explained my story, experience and all the lessons I’d learned from the dark place I had been to and risen from. We discussed our gut health, how to improve it and how to connect with our food and ourselves to achieve a calmer jollier life. As I talked I cooked a deliciously nourishing lunch over the fire, it was a such special experience.
Movement and connecting with nature are two primal human needs for wellbeing. So a mid morning walk and a drawing from nature workshop with the wondrous artist Hannah Turlington moved us from our mind to our bodies and set the tranquil scene for lunch to be served.
On The Menu…
Seasonal fire charred veg with home grown Jolly Allotment beetroot hummus and home grown Jerusalem artichoke dip accompanied by my staple Coeliac friendly flax and buckwheat loaf. All lovingly prepared over the campfire or in my Jolly Cottage kitchen .
To follow turmeric, ginger and lentil dhal, black rice, sauerkraut with kale crisps all good for our gut microbes a simple seasonal rainbow of tasty goodness.
More Goodness in the Afternoon.
Lunch was followed by more fireside stories from the incredible Jade of Tildes Tribe Soaps. Jade keeps her own goats and makes chemical free goats milk soap. She discussed the benefits of chemical free living and skin care and the importance of skin micro-biome with us. Jade is fabulous, so entertaining and knowledgeable. Everyone left with a bar of her soap so they could discover its beauty for themselves.
We finished off the afternoon with turmeric lattes made with Rude Health almond milk and delicious coeliac friendly cake made by the incredible 'free from' baker and fellow autoimmune warrior Emma Quarmby.
We ate so well and learned so much, relaxed together and laughed together. Something so important to human wellbeing is community and kindness, something I lost when I became ill. As we all enjoyed our afternoon cake and warming drinks around the camp fire I sat back and watched my gatherers share their own stories with each other, make and strengthen friendships and find community in the shared experience of the day.
I found my healing path through others honestly sharing their stories of their dark and light, so it was so beautiful to see my story help others in a similar way! Mission accomplished and a dream come true.
As I said goodbye to this incredible community of gatherers who came to listen to me talk all things good gut health, I was blown away by the impression the day made on all that came. Which proved to me there is power in sharing your story, food and community! It was the most wonderful day!
The morning after the day before..
As I pulled on my jumper the following morning and brushed my hair the comforting smell of campfire smoke delicately fuelled my soul with a warm glow!
EEEKKK!!!! - the memories of the day before came flooding through me. We gathered around the camp fire on my first Jolly Gutsy Gathering. Whilst I cooked up a gutsy #coeliacfriendly feast on the fire and talked about my story of complete breakdown and journey back to wellness - healing my gut health and reframing my mindset. It was the most wonderful day set in the perfect woodland space with a group of inspiring people.
I asked the gatherers to come with open hearts and open minds and they did. I am so thankful for everyone showing up, being completely present for the day and taking so much great interest in the importance of growing a gut life and making small changes to achieve great gains! I get so excited by this stuff both the science and the practicalities I absolutely loved sharing my knowledge and experience.
It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle one I am so excited to share! I felt like there was so much more to talk about and time flew by!
One massive key component to living a happy healthy life is community the best ones are created around the camp fire and I really feel we created one that day. Such a healing experience!
Thank you to everyone who came for being so wonderful! The discussions were mind blowing!
I do hope you can join me for edition two on 27th March 2020. Tickets are available now via this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/jolly-gutsy-gathering-day-retreat-tickets-91531512217
Many Thanks to these lovely ladies for the parts they played:
Jade @tildastribe for her informative and entertaining talk and of course her soap.
Hannah Turlington @hannahturlingtonart for her incredible workshop connecting us with nature, she is a real talent.
Emma Quarmby @quarmbyoriginals for her brilliant bakes, knowledge and inspiration.
Ceri Oakes @ceri_oakes_photography for being my super friend and taking these incredible photographs.
Massive thank you to Karen @oldforgeyorksandhutton for her peaceful space I can’t recommend it highly enough!
Thank you for reading the Jolly Journal - I really appreciate your interest and hope it's of value to you. I am dyslexic and for years this stopped me writing because of the fear of getting it wrong. Now I am embracing my fear so I appreciate your understanding if you see a mistake I have missed. Thank you! - Polly x